Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Welcome to my blog!

Our family started in October 2006 with Sean and I, which has now expanded with the addition of our little girl Adalyn who is now 5 months old, and 2 dogs - Minnie and Scamp. 

Life right now is definately busy!  Sean is working hard in school, and I am busy with Adalyn.  It's crazy when you are busy the whole day, but then by the end of it you can't remember exactly what it was that you did!  I love it though.  Being a mom is more than what I thought it would be.  It's amazing the instant love that you have for your own child.  Every day is different and she just keeps getting cuter and cuter. 

 Adalyn Jean Stevenson
Born May 18 2009 at 11:19 pm
Weighed: 7lb 1oz
Length: 19 3/4"

I was induced on May 14, unfortunately it was very slow!  I was scared that she was going to be born on my birthday, which is May 19.  Luckily she decided to show just before!
I'm excited that we get to celebrate together, but I knew that if it was the same day, I would be easily forgotten!  haha!  Sounds selfish, but birthdays are a big deal! 

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