Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Belle doesn't like bananas!

So when i started feeding Adalyn, I did everything wrong!  I really only fed her the foods that I would eat, I felt bad even trying to give her beans peas sweet potatoes, really almost any vegetables!  But she is now the worst eater ever and only gets fruit or vegetable intake through juice!  So with Belle I got out the books and started only with vegetables, and now for about 2 weeks I have tried to introduce just bananas, and she hates them!  I love her face though when she gets a taste!  I'll get her though!  She's going to be the best eater if it's the last thing I do!

1 comment:

  1. Those were the cutest faces ever!! She is adorable! Chelsie hates bananas so she can relate with Belle!!
